Monday, April 25, 2011

Facebook update from 4/21/11

Today we went to the sonogram place to have the "stress test" because I am officially 41 weeks today (that's 7 days past the estimated due date for all you non-baby-knowledge folks out there).  They want to make sure Wolfie is still comfortable in his "environment"... ha.  I was hooked up to a couple of monitor things to check to see if I was contracting (no, I'm not) and to listen to Wolfie's heart rate.  I was also given a clicker and told to click every time I felt him move.  He moved around quite a bit, because I was made to recline on my back which always makes him squirm around!  :)

Then,  a doctor met with us and showed us a screen of Wolfie's "activity"... a little green line on a chart that went up and down.  He reassured us that Wolf was well within normal, and didn't appear to be under any stress at all.  I had some other concerns about going over term with the pregnancy and he put both myself and Ben at peace, giving us statistics and odds that really made us feel good about hopefully having Wolfie out over the next 6 days.  He really took the pressure off (so glad we went there today)!

I am on a regimen of herbs, walking, relaxing, stretching, eating, sleeping, and trying my best not to worry.  Imagine that you tell yourself every day for 7 days straight (for the sake of staying positive) that the next day you'll be getting the one thing you've always wanted, and then waking up only to find that you're Bill Murray in Groundhog Day and you're always a day away.  Well, that's what it's like in my head every single minute.  "Are we there yet?!  Are we there yet?!" my child-brain screams at me from the backseat of my mind.  It's mental torture!  Poor Ben, the yang to my yin, he does such a good job to help me cope with that!  I don't know where he got the patience and the ability to wait for things so well without driving himself or others around him totally crazy... but I'm so glad to have been blessed with such an amazing human being.

As much as you all know that we love our social networking, you can all be rest assured that "the revolution will be televised" so to speak.   I fully expect Ben to be tweeting my progress just as soon as there's anything noteworthy to tweet.  :).

For now though, I have some crazy swollen ankles from my nearly 6 hours of walking today that need a bath in some epsom salts and a tired brain that really didn't get much sleep the last few nights... oh insomnia, you complete jerk, why do you have to bother me right now?!

Goodnight friends!  I am so hopeful that we might have ourselves a Good Friday baby... or a Paul Helfen's Birthday baby (Ben's dad's b-day is on Saturday), or at the very least an Easter baby... or at the very very least a before-next-thursday-because-that-means-I-won't-be-able-to-get-in-the-waterbirthing-tub baby!  :)


Brooke, Ben, and Wolfgang

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