Friday, March 4, 2011

It doesn't always fall apart at the seams.

6 weeks or so until I give birth and here we are... a fresh new blog.  I have an extreme urge to do a lot of things, not the least of which is chronicle my journey through this big-bellied phase of life.  One could almost say that I am not only pregnant with child, but that I'm also "pregnant" with ideas.  Like, the idea of a personal blog.

So, forget the intros.  You'll hopefully get to know me eventually unless you already do.  Here's where we are right now:

34 weeks pregnant.

It's a boy.

His name will be Wolfgang (Wolfie).
First human child.
First "baby" is a 70lb. pitt-mix named Hatchi.

Happily married (Ben).

Headstrong about having a natural birth (waterbirth).
Self-employed clothing and accessories designer, and sewing teacher.

And the rest we'll just go over along the way? 


1 comment:

  1. Pregnancy is really treating you well, you are beautiful! I really hope Wolfie makes his entrance just as you want it. :)
